About Us

Working Since 2001

JOE IGBURUKE & CO (Chartered Accountants)

JIC – JOE IGBURUKE & CO (Chartered Accountants) is a firm of reputable Accountants licensed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) to carry out Audit,  Accountancy, Taxation and Management Consultancy services under Nigeria enabling laws.

The firm has been involved in audit, accountancy, taxation and consultancy services owing to the wealth of experience of the partners in the course of their services in the field of practice and allied. The firm has a compliment of three partners, five 9 Senior Consultants, Two Senior Managers, three managers and many  Audit Seniors. All Managers and seniors are qualified Chartered Accountants while others are at different levels of qualification with the necessary training and experience. 

The performance of the firm is further enhanced by the existing working relationship with two other firms of Chartered Accountants and renowned law firm. These attributes have given us an edge in our field of operations.

It is significant to note that our partners are Audit, Investigation and Tax expert and have been involved in the back duty investigation towards Revenue Generation Programmes of the Lagos State, Ogun State, and Rivers State governments in the past.

The Principal Partner

Jonathan Igburuke is the Principal Partner of Joe Igburuke & Co (Chartered Accountants). He started his accounting career with Hassan Nakpodia & Co. (Chartered Accountants) where he rose to the position of Audit Semi Senior in the early 90s. He was a Senior Audit with Toyin Ogunnaike & Co., (Chartered Accountants) for years before leaving for Hamzat Subair & Co., (Chartered Accountants) as Head of Tax Department (H.T.D). Mr. Igburuke working experience in auditing practice spans over 9 years. He was the Financial Controller of an international computer firm, Omicron Imaging Technology Limited and Knight Frank as Chief Accountant respectively. Mr. Igburuke has equally served as Project Accountant & Senior Accountant with Conoil Producing Limited for 13 years. He is the Principal Partner of Joe Igburuke & Co.

Igburuke is a fellow member (FCA) of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Associate member, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria and Member, Institute of Human Resources and Strategic Management (IHRSM). He holds a Master’s Degree of Business Administration (MBA) in International Business Management from Lagos State University. His wealth of experience has exposed him to Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, and Back Duty / Special Investigation in trading outfit, Shipping, Services organizations, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, etc.


FCA, Principal Partner
Our Clients


We serve an array of small, medium and large size companies cutting across manufacturing, trading, oil and gas and sub-sectors of the economy.

We have served and still serving the under listed clients:

The list is not exhausted, as we also under-take contract services for other companies not listed above.